This project is a hypothetical narrative based branding project, inspired by Phoebe Waller-Bridge’s award-winning show Fleabag. Using instructions found on a ‘Drink When’ game, I collected instance-based data on key dramatic elements from the show. The moments of note were when:
• There is a flashback
• Fleabag breaks the fourth wall
• Anyone drinks
• Characters are intimate/discuss intimacy
• You see Hillary (the guinea pig)
• You laugh out loud
I ascribed a set of images from the show to each moment catalogued from the show based on these categories, and tracked their progress per episode. I began to think of these elements as ingredients in what would be considered a fleabag ‘potion’ or ‘cocktail’—with the ratios of the ingredients varying per episode. From here, and inspired by the ingredients already present in Edinburgh Gin’s Fleabag Martini I decided to develop a (hypothetical) Fleabag themed hard seltzer brand and packaging.